Reach and Connect with Over 360,000 Repair Shops and Repair Shop Decision Makers

Build Brand Preference

Launch New Products

Increase Promotion Response

Deepen Relationships

OVER 360,000:

Repair Shop Owners

Service Writers


In a head-to-head comparison of 8 different campaigns, ShopReach 360 generated higher engagement and had lower cost per click than all other trade digital programs

Build Brand Preference
Launch New Products
Increase Promotion Response
Deepen Relationships

OVER 360,000:

Repair Shop Owners
Service Writers

In a head-to-head comparison of 8 different campaigns, ShopReach 360 generated higher engagement and had lower cost per click than all other trade digital programs

More Effective than Other Trade Marketing Solutions

All Repair Professionals:

Several Hundred Thousand Shops, Service Writers and Technicians

Traditional Trade Marketing:

Tradeshows, Trade Pubs, Trade Magazine Sites, etc. Reach Some

MontAd Media:

ShopReach 360 Together With Audience ID Reaches 91%+

Display Digital Ads

Delivered anywhere they go online:
  • At Work
  • At Home
  • On smart phone, tablet, or computer

Location Targeting

Precise Geo-Targeting:
  • Promote local events
  • Target around special distributors
  • Support channel partner programs

Audience Segmentation

Custom Targeting Solutions:
  • Shop specialty
  • Shop size
  • Technician data
  • Other criteria

Real-World Example: Product Line Change

ShopReach 360 Drives 21% Sales Lift


A manufacturer successfully sold their product line into a large warehouse distributor. They wanted to quickly and efficiently communicate the benefits of the new line to the trade.


Using ShopReach 360, MontAd Media identified all repair shops and trade professionals within the trade area of each of the WD’s counters. ShopReach then deployed digital display ads to the targeted shops and technicians. The ads announced the product line change and directed them to an informational microsite.

The WD got a highly targeted trade campaign promoting their counters and the manufacturer achieved a strong launch for their new WD relationship. In the first 90 days of the campaign, sales of the new line exceeded the former by 21%. As an additional bonus, the WD had a strong lift in product inquiries and sales to shops they had not previously serviced.

Case Histories

In a 6 month ad campaign using multiple media channels including PR, eMail, trade magazine print ads and trade magazine digital ads. the objective was to drive trade professionals to an eLearning program. ShopReach 360 generated 73% of landing page traffic for only 39% of media spend.

Cost per click was 61% less than other media. Cost per customer conversion was 43% less than other media.

One of the largest power tool manufacturers in the U.S. wanted to target trade professionals to drive participation in a new promotion.

The manufacturer retained MontAd Media who utilized its proprietary data mining tools to identify the highest indexing trade targets. MontAd then deployed ShopReach 360 to deliver digital display ads to targeted shops, shop owners, and trade professionals.

The ShopReach 360 campaign delivered a top line ROI of 35x. Sales in ShopReach 360 supported markets eclipsed sales in control markets by more than 30%.

A multi-national aftermarket manufacturer wanted to reach repair professionals that work on European vehicles. The first challenge was how to identify such shops; the second was how to efficiently reach the key people at those shops.

MontAd Media used proprietary data mining methods to identify repair shops in the U.S. with the highest index for servicing European vehicles. We then used ShopReach 360 to deliver digital display ads to the owners, technicians, and service writers at those shops.

ShopReach 360 delivered ads to the targeted trade audiences with far greater precision and greater frequency than other digital media. The result was 31% greater engagement with the manufacturers brand at a cost per click that was 22% lower.

A large auto parts distribution company needed to grow attendance at its annual trade event. In recent years the annual event had experienced declining attendance due to an increase in competing industry events and training programs.

MontAd Media used its proprietary data mining tools to identify repair shops and other businesses in the 5 states where the company does business. We then deployed ShopReach 360 to deliver digital display ads to the owners, technicians, counter people, fleet managers, and service writers at the highest indexing targeted businesses.

The trade event broke all previous attendance records. Paid registrations were up 13% over the previous high and trade show attendance was up over 15%.