Shop Reach 360
Build Brand Preference
Launch New Products
Increase Promotion Response
Deepen Relationships
OVER 360,000:
Repair Shop Owners
Service Writers
In a head-to-head comparison of 8 different campaigns, ShopReach 360 generated higher engagement and had lower cost per click than all other trade digital programs
Build Brand Preference
Launch New Products
Increase Promotion Response
Deepen Relationships
OVER 360,000:
Repair Shop Owners
Service Writers
In a head-to-head comparison of 8 different campaigns, ShopReach 360 generated higher engagement and had lower cost per click than all other trade digital programs
More Effective than Other Trade Marketing Solutions
All Repair Professionals:
Several Hundred Thousand Shops, Service Writers and Technicians
Traditional Trade Marketing:
Tradeshows, Trade Pubs, Trade Magazine Sites, etc. Reach Some
MontAd Media:
ShopReach 360 Together With Audience ID Reaches 91%+